Sunday, March 21, 2010

Remember When 35 Was Old?

As I awoke this morning, I thought back to being at a bar in WI.. I was 21 or so at the time (yes I was legal!) and I saw these "older" ladies in their 30's enjoying a few cocktails and dancing... Geesh, they were sooooo old!

I stretched and rolled out of bed, then I remembered that at midnight last night, I turned 35! Ah!!!

At least I was enjoying a few cocktails and playing cards at home with friends and not looking to pick up any guys with my smooth dancing moves... except maybe my hubby who was winking at me from across the table. Or did he just have a little too much to drink and start doing that weird eye thing he does? lol


Happy Birthday to me and thanks to everyone for wishing me well on my 35th birthday. I survived the night and actually felt awesome this morning. Per usual, the celebrating will continue for at least another week or so.

Thank you Pam for your "award winning" chili.. I had a huge bowl for lunch and plan to enjoy it again for dinner.

I may have more wrinkles and I actually found a bunch of grey hairs (ugh) a few weeks ago, but I can still dance to MC Hammer with the best of them! You can't touch this!

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