Friday, November 27, 2009

So Much To Be Thankful For....

We truly have so much to be thankful for this year. As always, we're lucky to have the support and love from our friends and family that we have. It really does take a village to raise a child. My friends have given me such useful advice as Maddie goes through each "stage" in life. Even if it's just to say "that's normal" means the world to me.

I'm thankful for our good health and the fact that we have health insurance. So many have lost their jobs this year and worse than having not enough money is the feeling of hopelessness when you can't take your child to the doctor when you know something is wrong. I may complain about our $35 co-pay but I'm so glad that we have the ability to take our Miss Maddie to the doctor if necessary. Same goes for myself and Matt... so sad that not everyone can say that.

This year as I looked around our dinner table I thought about just how lucky I am. I've loved staying home with Maddie this past year. It's time I'd never get back if I wasn't here.

The three of us spent a wonderfully quiet day playing games, watching football, and enjoying each other. We stuffed ourselves with turkey and all the fixings.. that's right Auntie Alyx, Maddie is finally old enough to enjoy TURKEY! :)

I hope the rest of you were feeling as grateful as I was and had a great Turkey Day!

No stress!

Maddie's First Real Thanksgiving Meal

Having fun in daddy's chair.. this thing rocks!

Touchdown... Broncos! Watching the game with daddy

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