Friday, November 20, 2009

Mood: Relaxed!

Things have been pretty relaxed around here lately. Maddie is taking her first steps and so every time she tries to walk more than two steps (or heck, even one step) we're very excited! I can feel Matt looking over to see if I'm noticing when it happens. That's been allot of fun, but other than that, not much is going on. She's still mostly crawling and cruising but she's getting much more steady on her feet and the new found confidence is starting to show.

I'm starting to look forward to the upcoming holidays. First is Thanksgiving which I enjoy. I love baking my man a homemade pumpkin pie (he would probably skip the entire meal for the pie). This year we're doing the same as last year, just the three of us at home. We make a turkey, Matt's famous mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and a bit of gravy to pour on those potatoes and turkey.. yum, I'm getting hungry just thinking about my meal planning.

The rest of our local family is gathering at Auntie Alyx and Pam's house. They're going to have a full house over there but Pam's family is so wonderful, I'm sure they'll have a great time. I would have loved to see everyone but the best part about being at home, is well, being at HOME! :) No putting Miss Crabby in the car and missing naps because we're at a busy house with so much going on.

Maddie LOVES football. Without saying anything to her, if you turn it on, she claps, and raises her arms as though she's calling a touchdown. I think lots of kids like it because of all the colors and bright movements. I think she loves it because her DADDY loves it, and she LOVES her daddy!

The other other new thing is Maddie now says "Papa" and the sign for it at the same time. At first she said it and smacked herself in the head a few times and I wasn't sure what she was saying, but now it's pretty clear. The sign is holding your thumb with your open hand to your forehead for "dad" and then pumping it away for "grandpa".

Now I have to work on getting her to say Mama and Grandma. She says mama but prefers to call me kitty, baby, or dada. hee hee

She's turning into a parrot already though. Tonight she was riding her little pony toy that she got from her aunties and she said "yee-ha" after her little horsie said it.. so funny! Matt and I thought we heard her and confirmed with each other that she indeed said it.. and earlier today she heard me say "cool" and repeated it. lol .. shoot, now I'll have to start watching my language when I'm driving!

I'm sure I'll post again before then, but incase things get crazy next week, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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