Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First of all, thanks to everyone who wrote, sent cards and flowers, and called regarding Mya.. as a family, we really appreciate your thoughts. So many of you love your pets like family members and understand how hard the adjustment can be once they're gone or find it hard to imagine what it will be like when your own little ones are gone. It's only been a week but each day gets a tiny bit better. :) Thanks again for thinking of us.

Is this normal? Did your kids do this? Now that Maddie has figured out where her belly button is, she likes to poke her fingers in there while watching tv.. :)

Happy belated birthday to Maddie's Auntie Alyx. We enjoyed a great dinner over at Pam and Alyx's on Friday night.. yummy! fun fact: Maddie was conceived on Alyx's birthday two years ago....

Here's Maddie having a bit of fun getting a push from daddy! Can you tell she loves it?

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