Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We did it!

Matt and I left Maddie out of our sight for more than one hour! Whew! I have to admit, I was kinda nervous... we were invited to attend an evening wedding for our friend LuAnn's daughter, Meaghan. It seemed like so long ago when we said yes but all of a sudden that day was upon us. Maddie still wasn't drinking from a bottle or sippy (at least not well) and my main concern was the little cheeky monkey crying herself to sleep because she was so hungry. Poor cheeky monkey.

Auntie Alyx and Pam came by our house around 3:00 and we said our quick goodbyes at 4:40. We promised not to call but both carried our phones and checked them often to see if anyone called us. :)

Maddie has been eating solids 3 times a day for the past week or so. I think that helped.. Let me tell you, the three of them had a ball! Around 7:00 it was obvious that she was tired, they put her in her crib, and the little angel fell asleep. WHAT?! No crying? No drama because she missed her mama? Alright!

I'm telling you, if you're lying Pam and you guys had a miserable time until she finally fell asleep, take it to the grave with you because it made me feel so much better hearing the version I just told everyone.

We made it home just before 11:00 and were so excited to hear how things went.. she continued to sleep for a few more hours (good thing so I could sober up from my glasses of wine!). She finally woke up and was happy to see her mama, or at least the part that feeds her. :)

We had such a great time and could truly relax knowing two special people in our lives were watching over her. Thank you Pam and Alyx... we owe you one!

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