Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of Preschool!

Today was Maddie's very first day of Preschool. She's attending the Pleasant Valley Co-op. A program that is mostly parent ran. I'll be a working parent at the school 2-3 days out of the month and I'm also the "Craft Mom"! Right up my alley!

Maddie had a great first day. She painted a picture using a truck/car rolled in paint. She enjoyed snack time, circle time, and played outside. At the end of the day I met her inside for another short circle time and then if was off to home for lunch. Just one hour later, she was sleeping peacefully! Yay!

I had really mixed feelings when I left her this morning. I knew she'd be fine but was anxious just the same. She gave me a great big hug just a few minutes into the day and we said goodbye. I did shed two tears or so as I walked to my car but pulled myself together before leaving the parking lot and enjoyed the next two hours running errands.

Thursday I'll be at school with her. I'm the "drink mom" for that day so I'll get to see all the fun she has at her new school!

I'm looking forward to seeing her love for school grow and create friendships that may last a lifetime!

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