Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chunky Monkey & Thunder Thighs

11 lbs 4 ozs Can you believe it? Born at 7 lbs 2 ozs and just two months later she's a chunky monkey. It makes me so proud to know I'm able to feed her and she's just thriving! 

She's officially out of her newborn clothes and onto size 0-3. I was a little sad as I folded up some of her onesies and jammies to put away for another baby to wear but then I get to move on to the other cute clothes hanging in her closet. :) 

Maddie had another immunization shot and an oral vaccine today. She took both like a champ and although she cried, it wasn't as bad as the first one she ever had where she gave me the look as the needle went in and her face turned bright red before the burst of tears came. Today wasn't as traumatic, thank goodness. So far no fever and she's sleeping "like a baby" (what a stupid expression anyhow).

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