So that's just what she got later that day!
Meet "Syrah"
Yes, like the wine.. her name was Princess when we got her and we decided to change it. Long story short about "Syrah".. At Christmas, Matt's company gave bottles of wine and one customer thought it was his daughter's name.. "how cute, you put her name on the bottles." Matt told me the funny story and then we both remarked how we actually thought the name was cute.. like Sarah, but different.
She's a tiny thing, hence her full name is "Petite Syrah"... only 7 months old but already she's showing us how sweet she is. Although active, she likes to sit on our laps and purrs (and drools) like crazy! She warmed up to Matt and I very quickly but is still getting use to Maddie and all her toddler noises. We think she'll fit in just fine. The first night I woke up several times to her tromping on my head wanted to play.
She's making a trip to the vet tomorrow for a health check and to get those killer kitty claws trimmed. I forgot how razor-sharp those things can be!
When you get a chance, come by and meet the newest Dimino family member.
We've had a rather busy weekend. Saturday Maddie attended her very first (and our first) egg hunt. The age group was 0-3 and let me tell you, good thing we started training Maddie early. Those three year olds are F-A-S-T. Matt and I managed to rush her to an open area and scoop up three eggs before they were all gone. She didn't seem to mind her basket being so empty when all was said and done. As usual, she had much more fun picking up branches and leaves.
It was a little chilly that morning so we added leggings to the outfit.
A rare family portrait
She did enjoy meeting the Easter Bunny and even went right over to him to give him a huge hug. Way to show all the other kids how it's done!
After the egg hunt and walking around to all the activities, we went to a local shopping center to pick up some groceries.. they also had a bunny there for the kids to take photos with. Again, no problems sitting on the big white bunny's lap... I guess if you come to the house in a bunny outfit, the kid will instantly be your friend.. no questions asked! Come to think of it, last year she was fine too.
After her nap, we dyed some eggs. Maddie is allergic so unfortunately she won't be enjoying any egg salad this week, but Daddy and I certainly will be!
She dyed this one white! (just kidding)
This is the one she mashed... fun until Mom took it away.
Here's what we ended up with.
Everyone knows today was Easter, but it was also my Lovie's (Matt) 37th birthday! Thanks to all the family and friends that called. We just hung out at the house all day and ate cake for breakfast!
Matt's cake.
He didn't care what it looked like so I thought I'd decorate it like one of his favorite things... a can of beer! I am taking orders if anyone else would like one.. :) It's the thought that counts, right?
Maddie did get a basket this morning. We just recycled a few eggs from the day before and added those wooden cars I mentioned in my last post and a few small odds and ends... She really liked the cars and played with them all day. Grandma Doris sent a Target gift card and three adorable outfits. I can't wait for warmer weather so she can wear all her new dresses.
Next year we'll probably hide the basket and do an egg hunt in the back yard but it was really chilly this morning.
She did wear the dress that Grandma Lena bought her. She said "pretty" when I put it on her... that doesn't normally happen with dresses so she must have liked it!
A few moms and I joked at the Noah's Arc exhibit about how it was "hands on" aka the kids are going to get sick in a few days.. Sure enough, Maddie had total boogers and high emotions all day. She was either laughing or crying and her nose was a faucet! Poor baby.. even worse we're going to miss all the fun activities we had planned for spring break.. YES! A one and a half year old has spring break! lol No beer and bikinis, but a few play dates and a class tomorrow.
I'll close today's post with two of my favorite photos from last year...
You're No Bunny, Till Some Bunny Loves You!
Happy Easter Everyone and Happy Birthday to the LOVE of my life!
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