Monday, Maddie and I went Strawberry picking. Our original plan was to go last Tuesday but we were rained out... literally just before we paid and hopped on the tractor. We went with another Horizon Hills (the school I take Maddie to on Tuesdays) class as a makeup day and I'm so glad we did it.
Maddie had an absolute blast. She ate at least 7 berries in the field and I was having a hard time keeping up with her consumption! The field we went to had a lot of half ripened berries but with a bit of digging and poking at every bush, we found enough to fill our two containers plus feed the berry monster's desires! If anyone gets a chance to visit the Underwood Farms in Moorpark, I highly recommend doing so. It can be a bit pricey per person and seriously, $10 for a pony ride (is that really the going rate?) but the photos and fun are priceless!
Berry # 6 or 7
Proof that I was there!
Farmer Matt Jr.
Checking out the tires.. oh the sweet rolls on this girl's arms!
Playing in the wooden choo-choo
My girlfriend Sarah, Isabella and Maddie and I are making plans to go as well. We miss you guys! Maddie woke up with boogers today so it will be a bit before we see you again.. I hate the boogers! Mostly because we miss out on all the playdates and we get stuck at home or at our little park as to not spread the "love". Maddie and I drive each other crazy just sitting at home. I can only take so much Elmo and she can only take so much Oprah! :)
I've been absolutely spoiled the past few weeks. My MOMS Club has a Mystery Mom game going on right now until Mother's Day. Each person that wanted to join filled out a questionnaire, and was then assigned a mom. We're suppose to keep it a secret and surprise our moms with a surprise each week. So far I've gotten some really great things, including a perfectly sweet card this week. Next week we need to bake (or purchase) our mom a surprise and leave it at their doorstep. I dropped off a gift last week for my mom, parked one house down, and trotted to her front door, dropped it off and ran like (you know what!) back to my car. It was so much fun! My friend Tina and I used to play ding-dong-ditch to our parents (we had NO neighbors living in the boonies) and it totally reminded me of that... I had to pee when I got back to my car from all the excitement! Hope she enjoyed the gift as much as I enjoyed dropping it off! :)
First I received flowers, dark and milk chocolate
Next she asked a neighbor to bring over a mocha and cute pad of paper because we were playing outside when she drove by.
Finally awesome lotion, shower gel, and an Oprah magazine! (someone should tell her we were only suppose to buy one $5 gift.. that won't be me!)
To add to the excitement of my week, I found out this morning that I won a raffle from our Horizon Hills parenting class. Each class donated items or money to a theme basket and the school sold raffle tickets. I spent $10 total in my contribution and ticket purchase and came away with thee perfect basket for me.. the theme? BAKING!! It's filled with anything and everything including cook books, pans, measuring and mixing utensils, cake mixes, sprinkles, a beautiful apron, and best of all cookie cutters! It's ginormous and the pictures don't do it any sort of justice. It was a very successful fundraiser with $3,300 profit for the school and Matt is bound to get a few chocolate chip cookies out of the deal.
We bought lottery tickets for tonight and rubbed the basket for good luck!
Update: Just checked.. we only had the mega number so we only get like $2.. don't call us asking to borrow money cuz we aren't millionaires (yet!).
One last thing..
Cute Goat For Sale: Will shred any paper product you wish, or don't wish to be destroyed. Does not discriminate against toilet paper, work paper, or school papers (willing to rent to high schoolers to use as an excuse). Again, she's lucky she's darn cute!
Syrah's new napping spot, Maddie's changing table
She's fattening up nicely.. gained one pound since we got her!
The whole family seems to love her so despite her terror to the roll, she's staying! Poor t.p. is now kept in a drawer, incase you're looking!
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