Both mommy and Maddie have had colds since last weekend. I don't remember the last time I was sick, I think before I was pregnant and this is Maddie's very 1st cold. She isn't a huge fan of the booger sucker (aka the aspirator) but she usually lets me do it without too much struggle. Hopefully we're on the tail end and we get better before long.
Unfortunately she was a bit crabby for Papa, Grandma Lena, and uncle Erik and Aunt Sarah's visit. None of us were sleeping well and she was a bit off her schedule. In fact, she didn't roll over once while they were visiting... a trick she learned a few days after sitting up. I of course didn't take enough photos while they were out here.. hopefully Papa will send the ones from his camera to me.
Here's Grandma Lena making her laugh.. she really had the magic touch
Papa Dimino playing her baby games
She rolls from her back to her belly but then gets stuck and frustrated when she can't get back. She hangs out for quite awhile on her belly and can lift her head pretty high. She can reach for toys in this position too. We bought safely latches for the cabinets because I have a feeling it won't be long before she's all over the place.
We also bought her a high chair and rice cereal which we plan on starting after she gets over this cold. She watches us eat our food very intently and has started reaching for anything in our hands. Her Dr. gave us the go ahead when we saw him for her 4 month visit. She'll still primarily breast feed, but we thought we'd give it a shot and see how it goes.
Why is it the #1 rated high chair be so darn cutesie-wootsie?..yuck! Don't they know this thing is going to be in our house for a long time and if I wanted more monkeys and lions in my house I would have painted the walls a lush green... instead we went with a Graco model (Contempo- with slim fold) that was also highly rated and much more neutral. Of course she doesn't like the 5 pt harness.. too constricting for this little munchkin, but she'll get use to it. What a perfect perch to fling food from!

Wish us continued success on the sleeping arrangements. We're trying to get her to sleep in her crib rather than in bed with us. We got her down for a few naps and will start working on night sleeping shortly. Wow, what will I do with all my free time? :)
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