This is the outfit from Uncle Erik and Aunt Sarah, so cute but she's not big on wearing jackets.
Our poor baby girl has been teething this week so lots of drool, gnawing on mom and dad's fingers, increased fussiness and the big one... NO SLEEP! She's been up every hour and a half to nurse at night. I feel so bad for her but still no actual teeth in sight so this is going to go on for awhile. It's too bad on the timing because I wanted to start working on getting her into her crib, but for now it's napping on mom's lap and whatever else it takes to make her happy.
We tried a mommy and me yoga class but it falls right around nap time so after 5 minutes of having her legs massaged, she was done with it. It's more baby massage and some songs than actual yoga. I'm going to try again next week. They have a special right now, 30 days for $15 when the weekly class is normally $15 each so we'll see if it's just the teething causing the problem or if it's a timing issue. Regardless, I'll be glad to learn the skills and hopefully incorporate massage into her nighttime routine. I wish I could have a mommy massage before bed at night. :)
We had photos taken at JCPenney on Wednesday.. our appointment was at 10:40am and we were there until 2:00 pm... ugh, don't ask! At least we got some super cute photos in the end and that's what counts. I should be getting a copy of them via email next week so I'll be sure to post and of course we'll have copies going to the grandmas and grandpas.
Don't forget to set your clocks ahead on Saturday before bed..yay for daylight savings!!! Matt pointed out that the only difference will be, it'll be light when we go to bed at 7:30. Ha!
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