What have we been up to lately? LOTS! For starters my 2005 Mac was dying a slow death and then one day... nada. We took it to the Apple store for testing and I guess it felt it was back home and wanted to stay. So.. it just wouldn't start. We made the painful decision to not resuscitate. I think it's what it would have wanted. Anyhow, we now have a new Mac! Things sure have changed in the last 4 years.. it's been fun going through all the new interfaces but I'm still working on figuring everything out. Matt couldn't believe I was checking emails within two minutes of plugging it in.. gotta love Macs! That's my excuse for not blogging but so much has happened so let me get to it!
Two weeks ago, Maddie and I drove to Malibu to visit my old CurtCo coworkers. It was a gorgeous day and little Miss Maddie was in a good mood so off we went! Crazy how we live so close to the beach and almost never go. I think we'll be visiting more this summer now that she no longer tries to EAT the sand.
Lunch on the beach!
The Paparazzi caught this beauty drinking on the beach
We had a great time playing in the sand and eating our lunch.. Miss California finally took off her socks so we could walk down to the waters edge. What happened next may have scared her for life... she stepped on a Bee! Poor baby. It was her first bee sting and it was a doozy.. there's still a red mark on her foot and it was swollen/red for 2-3 days. Bright side: she isn't allergic!
Valentine's Day Celebrations
I'm trying to make each holiday fun in our household by decorating and doing cute things for the family. I imagine we'll be decorating more next year as I purchase things on clearance after each holiday but I'm doing my best with what I have.
I decorated the kitchen this year and made a cute little banner.
Miss Maddie received TWO boxes filled to the rim with gifts. Grandma Doris and Grandpa Frank sent their love from WI and Papa and Grandma Lena sent love from Denver. I can't seem to find my photos from the WI box but Maddie was soooo excited when we received it at the door.. she now thinks ALL packages are filled with gifts for her. She was slightly disappointed to learn today that the box of diapers from the Fed-Ex guy were really just diapers!
At Maddie's class they had a valentine card exchange.. can you imagine, they're only two! Anyhow, it gave me a chance to create and this is what I came up with.. Valentine S'mores! Everyone loved them... strawberry marshmallows (pink-heart shaped), Dove Chocolates, and a graham cracker. I've been a bit obsessed with Owls lately so it was fun to make this bag topper.
I also made her teacher a small gift with a tag I found online.. thought it was cute and our classroom uses a lot of soap each year so I thought it was practical. (sorry it's sideways)
Alright, I'm off to get more photos to share... check out my facebook page from our MOMS Club Fire station Tour today! That was a lot of fun. (for mommy too!)
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