We went on a holiday trip to Colorado to see Matt's family from October 20th-30th. We were hoping to see some snow and did see a few days of light dusting but mostly it was just COLD!
We did have lots of fun despite Matt being out of commission for 24 hours with food poisoning or some weird flu bug... poor guy was pretty miserable. I would be too if I missed the Santa Train! (oh and was up all night exploding!)
The plane ride was a super good experience... thank goodness for portable DVD players and a love for Tinkerbell. Before we knew it, we were on the ground!
Maddie's 1st Lollipop- She ate this one before we even took off so she got two!
Grandma Lena and Maddie watching Tinkerbell
Someone looks comfy!
A trip to the mall... It was snowing in Santa's Ice Palace! She didn't want to sit on Santa's lap this year (we'll try again) but she did get close to him and thought he was pretty special.
The Cherry Creek Mall was pretty awesome with a really large play area for the kids... talk about a germ factory! We did end up with a runny nose after playing... oh well! What else are you going to do with a crazy two year old when it's cold outside?!
A visit to the Butterfly Pavilion.. a really cool indoor butterfly sanctuary that imports butterflies (before the cocoon stage) from all over the world.. it's kept very tropical-like and the most beautiful butterflies are found everywhere.
This was a special exhibit on spiders
Looking for Fairies
Matt didn't realize this guy wanted to hitch a ride on out... Mothra Lives!
Brave Papa!
No spiders (or humans) were harmed during the taking of this photo
The cutest grasshopper
and tarantula
Erik and Sarah invited the family over for dinner that evening
Dessert was a gorgeous setup... individual chocolate fondue using a tealight candle.
I LOVED IT and will probably steal the idea at some point.
Maddie adored her Aunt Sarah... she so patient and kind.. I can't wait to have another niece or nephew!
Our Little Butterball!
Maddie and her cousins (Matt's cousin's kids- 3rd cousins?) watching Tinkerbell
Thanksgiving Fun... Place the Hat on the Turkey.. all the kids liked it.. I heart the dollar section at Target!
A COLD day at the park
Does anyone in this photo look warm?
Even the freezing cold doesn't stop her from looking cute. Does this hat make my cheeks look big?
Tubing in the mountains
Not my most fashionable moment but at least I was warm
Maddie had blast and still talks about sledding down the mountain and saying "weeeeeee".
On the way home we stopped for food at an Irish Pub and that's when we think Matt ate something bad... poor guy!
The next morning we (Erik, Lena, Papa, Maddie and I) drove back to the mountains and boarded the Santa Train!
It was as cold as it looks, but the hot chocolate helped warm us up
Dinner at an eccentric place called Casa Bonita. They had cliff diving, gorillas, a scary maze and a gun show, all while you ate! It was pretty dark so I didn't get any great photos inside.
By day 10, everyone was POOPED and ready to get back to our own beds.
It was a GREAT trip! Thanks for having us!
St. Nick (Santa Clause) came to our house on December 5th.. this traditional was done in my house when growing up and I wanted to share the fun with Maddie.. it'll help build the excitement of the season. It's a German tradition that St. Nick comes to your home on the evening of the 5th and if you leave your shoes outside your door, he will fill them with nuts and fruits.
Maddie got an apple, and some small trinkets.
She got new sesame street cars to go with the one count mobile that she already had.
My latest party designs.. a member of my MOMS Club hosted a baby shower for two of our mommies, both expecting girls. I brought water bottles and these cute butterfly chocolate suckers to the party.
Last Thursday was our 2nd annual Camarillo Light Walk.. we met with a few MOMS Club members and walked the Gemini-Dunningan neighborhood.. they really go all out as a community to create magical displays for the kids (and us older kids)
Saturday was our town's Holiday Parade- It was 80 degrees... nothing says Christmas like shorts and flip flops!
We even had parade balloons!
Maddie's 1st Candy Cane.. I realized after she started eating it that it was fruity and not the traditional peppermint. Despite the look on her face, she loved it!
Miss California 2020- she already had the wave down
We ended the evening with our first Family Movie Night... first of many I'm sure. We watched Shrek The Final Chapter (very cute) It was free at CVS because of my creative couponing. :)
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