Shutterfly is making my life much easier this year! They're offering 50 Free Photo Cards to Bloggers just for spreading the word about their 2010 Holiday Collection.
I'm not going to show you our actual design for this year, because what fun would that be? But aren't these adorable? I really like the use of black and white photos with a simple design.. classy!

There are so many designs to choose from. What's your favorite Shutterfly design? Right now there's a 20% discount on all cards. The current offer ends 11/17, but I'm sure there will be specials all they way until New Years.
Last Christmas I found a great deal on a coffee mug for Matt using Maddie's professional cake smash photos.. It's a really substantial mug and one my favorites. I plan on doing the same this year but don't tell... cuz Santa's bringing it.

If you're super crazy and already have your holiday cards done (p.s. I hate you), they also have super cute birthday invites.
Gorgeous, right? (Insert your own cute kid and you're all set!)

Shutterfly makes it easy to have fun with your photos this season.. don't forget that photo gifts are always #1 with the grandparents.
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