I can't believe I haven't posted pics of Matt's garden yet.. I'm really excited this year. We have a few new things and it looks like it's going to be a big success.. last year the pumpkins never panned out but this year Matt tried zucchini and broccoli (or brocky at Maddie calls it) and both are growing big and strong. My mom said she hasn't even been able to plant anything in WI yet, and we're already enjoying sweet peas.. just another great reason to pay a boatload of money to live in sunny CA! :)


Carrots and Anaheim Peppers

Sweet Peas

I'll update with more photos as things progress.. the tomatoes look big and strong.. cucumbers I'm not so sure about, but hopefully Matt will keep talking nice to them and we'll be eating good this year.. I love eating from the backyard..
Reason number 203 to have a garden: you get take your kid outside after dinner and proudly show her what you've done and where her food actually comes from.
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