What a great feeling running in my very first 5K!!!!! Now 3.1 miles might not seem like allot to the fit and trim or even two years ago as I worked out to look gorgeous in my wedding dress (lol). When I first brought up the idea to my fellow MOMS Club members in January, it seemed like a distant dream post baby and all the extra weight that seemed to settle where Maddie was once housed. It's still there but I didn't seem to notice so much as I pulled on my running pants this morning.
We picked a race, approx 9 weeks away and I was off and running.. well actually I had to purchase a jogging stroller and wait over a week to get it, then we had quite a few rainy days in February, but then I was officially off and running! :)
My fellow MOMS Club mommy, Erica, her husband Steve, and their little boy Nathan, joined us on race day. Erica and I have been training on Monday mornings and then Wednesday nights without the kids.. we also tried to get out and walk or run when possible. I walked some Tuesdays and for sure on Thursdays. Maddie and I also went around the neighborhood with a stop at the park on several days just because I felt I needed it to prepare.. Erica was my inspiration to give this jogging thing a try again.
I'm so grateful for all those days of sweat because today I felt GREAT! I was so excited and felt tears welling up as the race was about to start.. sounds silly, but I was so darn proud of myself! I set this goal and was about to accomplished it. I am mommy, hear me ROAR! :)
Maddie was a dream running partner.. she was loaded up with her SCHNACKIES (snacks) and talked the entire time. Not a single tear.. she had me worried just before race started when she looked at me and said "up!".. uh oh.. but she was content once I gave her food... anyone surprised?
Erica and I put stickers on our strollers that said "RUN MOMMY RUN" and "RUN LIKE A MOTHER" to keep us motivated.
I just have to say my hubby, Matt was so wonderful. I hope we made him proud today. He's heard about this race for a few months now. He took a bunch of photos to document our excitement and waited at the finish line to cheer us on!
Two of our other MOMS Club members and their families came to support us. We didn't see them until after the race, but it really meant allot to see them there.. Our club name stands for "Moms Offering Moms Support" and these ladies did just that. Thank you Jen and Olena!
Me, Erica and the kids
Maddie and Mommy are Number 1!
Me practicing my awesome one finger, photo finish... yes, I am a dork!
Just before the race started... all smiles and white faces
Maddie when you ask her to "smile"!
First corner
Finish Line, here we come!
Erica went back to finish with her hubby
Still excited but now with a red face!
Fun in the grass after the race
It was a really touching ceremony when all the paramedics gathered that had responded to the DeMello family's tragedy when they lost their baby girl, Joey, to SIDS. They did a dove release that was really pretty and brought tears to many eyes.. just a great reminder of what we were all there to support and to give our kids that extra hug to let them know they're cherished.
To top off all the fun, we won a raffle price (a haircut) and received bottle of OPI nail polish! Woohoo!
Sooooo.... What's next?!
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