As we guessed, Christmas this year was lots of fun. Two is a good age. She isn't completely aware so we can wrap Santa gifts in paper just like the gifts we gave to others and if I forgot to move our Elf on the Shelf (Zippy), I could do it in the morning before she noticed, BUT she was certainly more aware of concepts this year than last. As many times as we tried, there was NO sitting on Santa's lap, but I think she enjoyed seeing him and the Mrs 5+ times. :)
We hosted Christmas Eve dinner at our house and had Matt's family join us for homemade lasagna,which tasted awesome! [Insert pat on the back here]
Because we're normally at Matt's sister's house for X-mas Eve, we were unaware that Santa actually flies over Camarillo for all the kids to see.. we read about it in the paper and heard neighbors yelling... thankfully we grabbed our jackets and made it outside to see him come back through again.. a helicopter actually suspends a lighted Santa with flashing reindeer to both sides of town.. it was soooo neat to see and I'm glad we didn't miss it.
I wish I had more photos to capture the evening. We all had a great time and don't get together often enough these days.
Grandma Phyllis and Maddie had fun in her chair

Maddie practiced the art of opening gifts before Santa even arrived!
Knit hat and scarf from Grandma Phyllis

Coloring in one of her new coloring books with Matt's cousin Brian

Brian had a Beatrice Potter cup and saucer set that Aunt Lainie cherishes and she found one for Maddie.. so sweet! I LOVE stuff like that!
Her aunties spoiled us and Maddie with a kite, books, Wii accessories and games... wow!
Before bed we made sure to leave milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer

Maddie woke up a little earlier than normal (6:45) on Christmas morning and seemed to have forgotten that someone came to bring her presents but she was very excited when she saw the living room.

First we opened our stockings... in the days leading up to X-mas when Maddie was asked what she wanted from Santa, she kept saying a toothbrush (cute and good hygiene)... well a toothbrush and a puppy but we knew that wasn't happening so she got a spinning Thomas the Train brush.

To add to the mood, we had the fireplace roaring!

I heart these Santa jammies!

And so we started opening gifts at about 7:00... then took a break for a french toast breakfast... then back to opening gifts until about 9:30... YIKES! Daddy got very good at getting fairies out of packages in no time flat and I did my best to record all the fun. She now has 3 different sizes of the Disney fairies, Toy Story 3 figurines, and lots of art supplies to keep her busy until the summer.
We were all very blessed this year. We have our health and a beautiful and super smart daughter that makes us so proud. I have the fondest memories of my childhood that involve our holiday rituals and I hope to give that to Maddie. I was sad to grow up and not do those things with my family anymore, but now Matt, Maddie, and I are creating our own family memories. I hope she grows up to cherish them too. (p.s. Thank you mom and Grandma and Grandpa Behling for that!)
I got a gorgeous desk to organize all my crafting projects (no more kitchen table and cardboard box to dig through) and Matt and I got a Wii from Santa! (I can't wait til he goes back to work so I can practice and kick his butt! lol)
Daddy got a bigger TV for the living room and a blu ray player and best of all a super smart wife that knows how to hook it all together! We also treated ourselves to a wireless system so we can stream movies from Netflix and play Wii games with our friends from their houses. So looking around the house, we certainly are lucky and grateful for all that we have.
Art supplies from Grandma Doris and Grandpa Frank

The fairies just kept multiplying!

Even Syrah enjoyed Christmas.. I was worried about the tree and our crazy cat, but she did great and not one ornament was broken or bashed around the house

My mom sent these fun glasses

We all checked them out!

More fairy excitement!

We love the Leapfrog game from Uncle Erik and Aunt Sarah.. this one will have her writing her letters in no time.

Maddie received her first "barbie" dolls.. a Snow White from Santa, and two fairies from my parents.
She also got another Leapfrog Tag Jr reader that looks like the alien from Toy Story 3 and about 5 new books. If you haven't checked out that system, you should.. it lets her "read" the books by herself and has some pretty fun songs and sound effects.

My mom also sent this great Melissa and Doug cookie baking set (I love their toys). Maddie had lots of fun baking us cookies in her kitchen she got for her birthday. She also made her a really cute apron to wear while she plays.

We received too many things to list but thankfully they all fit into our house! WHEW!
Mommy hanging out with Maddie and her fairy friends

Here's a photo of Maddie singing a song with mommy on a gift we received from Aunties Alyx and Pam

Here's the video.. ok I *thought* I sounded ok until hearing this play back... ugh.. sorry to subject you but listen to Maddie's words.. "I just wanna play with daddy" and the unprovoked bow at the end.. when she's famous this will be on her DVD.
Maddie's new tricycle.. a gift from Papa and Grandma Lena. She thought she was pretty cool in her bunny helmet too... now we just need to work on steering and peddling before her parent's backs go out! By summer time, she'll be a pro!

Here's video of Maddie singing her favorite holiday tune at the X-mas parade
And Miss Smarty-pants herself "reading" Hop On Pop. (sorry it's so dark)
She went through the whole book almost word for word and then I ran to grab the camera.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a very safe New Year's Eve!