Maddie must be going through a growth spurt, she's eating more food than ever before. Tonight she finished an entire jar of baby food (a large one- 6 oz) plus ground beef, some fruit, and a few Cheerios (I call it her appetizers, others call them Cheerios). The entire jar of food is a first for her and this one is going down in her baby book records. I usually give her a bit of everything but she only eats half a jar at most... this is the second day in a row where she's eating like a champ. She must be channeling a teenage boy right now. At least she isn't into Doritos and Mountain Dew just yet!
She is a big girl though so most meals she eats what we're having but somehow I didn't think burritos were appropriate. We're almost done with the "baby" food but it's convenient when we're having something she can't have and as gross as it smells and tastes (I've tried it all!), she loves it!
Here she is with Sloppy Joes a few days ago.. wonder why they call it Sloppy Joes anyhow?
Oh, that's why!!! All Done!
We had a little potty accident in our car seat (bad mommy for trying to go to one more store before changing the baby). What a pain to get this thing off. Anyhow, the car seat was in our room for a few days before we re-installed into Matt's truck. Mya checked it out each night and made sure it was safe. Pretty expensive pet bed.
For her efforts, Maddie rewarded her with a "nice kitty".
We love our girls!
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