Saturday, September 19, 2009

All Done! and Safe Kitty

Tooth number six just poked through so we're finally sleeping a little better... Shoot!, every time I say that I jinx myself and to prove it, I mentioned it on Thursday night and couldn't find any wood to knock on. Today I was rewarded with only one 40 minute nap that didn't happen until around 2 pm.

Maddie must be going through a growth spurt, she's eating more food than ever before. Tonight she finished an entire jar of baby food (a large one- 6 oz) plus ground beef, some fruit, and a few Cheerios (I call it her appetizers, others call them Cheerios). The entire jar of food is a first for her and this one is going down in her baby book records. I usually give her a bit of everything but she only eats half a jar at most... this is the second day in a row where she's eating like a champ. She must be channeling a teenage boy right now. At least she isn't into Doritos and Mountain Dew just yet!

She is a big girl though so most meals she eats what we're having but somehow I didn't think burritos were appropriate. We're almost done with the "baby" food but it's convenient when we're having something she can't have and as gross as it smells and tastes (I've tried it all!), she loves it!

Here she is with Sloppy Joes a few days ago.. wonder why they call it Sloppy Joes anyhow?

Oh, that's why!!! All Done!

We had a little potty accident in our car seat (bad mommy for trying to go to one more store before changing the baby). What a pain to get this thing off. Anyhow, the car seat was in our room for a few days before we re-installed into Matt's truck. Mya checked it out each night and made sure it was safe. Pretty expensive pet bed.

For her efforts, Maddie rewarded her with a "nice kitty".

We love our girls!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Oh The FUN We Will Have!!!

I had no idea 10 months old would be so fun! Despite Miss Maddie getting a new tooth (or two) in, we've been having a blast lately! Be sure to check out the new top teeth in next month's photos. That makes number 5, and possibly number 6. (Doesn't she look older with a hair bow? She finally has enough hair on top for it to stay. Hopefully the old guys at the grocery store will stop saying how cute my "boy" is!- My "boy" that wears pink every day!)

To say she's into copying is an understatement. She's a darn good impersonator! You cough, she coughs.. you wag your tongue, she wags her tongue, etc.. so funny! The tongue has been out alot lately.

Grandma Phyllis came by last weekend for a visit. Of course, I never took out my camera (I'm so bad at that!). It was nice to see her and Maddie enjoyed playing with Grandma. We live so close but don't get a chance to see each other much so the visit was long overdue. Hopefully we'll get together again soon, and next time I'll remember the camera!

We purchased a new toy for her upcoming birthday but decided to give it to her early. I figure why keep it under the bed when she can be playing with it now.. I'm going to be bad at Christmas time.

She likes the toy.. LOVES the box! She's been pushing the box around for a few days now. She uses it as a step-stool too.. how did she get so smart?

If we yell out, "How big is Maddie?", she raises her arms to say "SO BIG"!

Here she is with Daddy and her new toy. It's a Leap Frog learning table. It plays music and teaches basics in both English and Spanish. Very cool toy. I like that she can stand up next to it to play with it but of course, she wanted to push it around the living room.

We're all having fun with Maddie's toys. We bought this tent for her to sleep in when we went to Palm Springs.. yeah right! That didn't work out so well, but we bring it out every once in awhile to play in. Maybe we'll try again when she's older. If anything, she now owns a very expensive play tent!

Even Mom fits in the tent! Thanks Matt for grabbing the camera to catch this flattering shot! (At least I wasn't trying to back out!)

She also figured out that Mya's toys are better than her own sometimes. She adores this furry mouse. (Don't worry, I removed the eyes before she chewed them off.) She flings it around and rubs the fur on her face.

Hey, What happened to his eyes?!

I hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day Weekend. Even though I'm not working anymore, I heart 3 day weekends. We hung out with friends on Sunday and Matt recovered (hee hee) on Monday. :) I just really enjoy spending time with my hubby.

This is MaryAnn, Matt's best friend Sean's mom. She considers Maddie a 3rd grandchild and is always buying her something cute.. oh boy! They had a great time and MaryAnn was loving having her all to herself while we were at the pool.

We took Maddie to the park for some "swing time". She's such a dare devil that she leans forward to propel herself down the slide. I catch her half way down and then fling her into the air. She LOVES it. Hopefully she won't be too disappointed when she gets bigger and has to just land on her feet. :)

This last photo is of Maddie and her BFF Isabella. We had a play date at our house. It was super hot that day but the girls had fun showing each other that they can now stand! Something new since they were last together. They're still working on sharing and of course, each other's toys (and sippy cups) were always better than their own. It's going to be so much fun watching these guys grow up together. (Gee do you think Maddie is going to be the short kid in her class? These two are only hours apart in age, but Miss Bella is about 3 inches taller! lol)

It makes me sad that Maddie isn't growing up with my great friend Heather's little girl, my friend Kathy's little guys or her cousins back in WI but it is what it is... I'm just glad I'm able to share Miss Maddie with everyone who's interested in watching her as she changes into a little lady. And yes, despite the conversations that I have with her about staying a baby, it looks like that's going to happen sooner than I'd like... especially if she keeps wearing those hair clips!

As always, thanks for reading the latest and we love you all!