Sorry I haven't posted sooner.. I've been working on Maddie's 1st Birthday invitations. Yep, I decided to design and print them at home.. it's like planning my wedding all over again! :)
Last week we had a great visit from Papa and Grandma Lena! Despite not sleeping great, Miss Maddie was in a great mood each day. (The day after they left she took a three hour nap! She was pooped!)
We went to the fair one day and to the Ventura Harbor another day. We also enjoyed Lena's famous chili.. Matt LOVES this chili and we ask her to make it every time we see them.
I haven't been to the fair in several years. Matt took me once when we were dating but since he's done "woo-ing" me (hee hee) he no longer has to go. I will say, the fair is VERY expensive. $10 to park, $10 to get in.. geesh! My favorite part of the fair is FAIR FOOD! Yummy! Where else can you get chocolate covered bacon. Oh yes, that was there but I chickened out and couldn't do it. Instead I ate this disgustingly good fried indian bread covered with whip cream and chocolate.. oh my! Alyx said fair food doesn't have calories so I feel better knowing that.
Papa and Maddie enjoying the fair
Tom had an awesome Turkey leg (I told him to pose for the blog!)
Maddie had the best fair food she could find.. her foot! mmmmmm
We had a great time watching the pig races, playing games, and walking off all our yummy food. We were all pooped at the end of the day. Papa and Maddie took a little snooze on the way home.
The day before they left, Alyx, Papa and Grandma, Maddie and I went to the Ventura Harbor. It's a cute little area where you can check out the boats that are docked and eat at a variety of restaurants. They also have a game area with a carousal.
Maddie's first carousal ride! She held on like such a big girl.
The Harbor is right by the beach so we stopped by to show Maddie the waves. Papa D took her down by the water.. as they were going, she kept looking back to make sure Mom was still there. She heard all kinds of stories and even got her feet a little wet... anyone ever tell Papa the Pacific Ocean is freezing!? :)
Just checking!
What a great trip! I'm glad Papa and Grandma Lena were able to come out. Maddie has changed so much since they saw her in March. She seems to change every day! They're going to try to make it back out for her 1st Birthday Party which is coming up very soon.
A Girl and Her Balloon
We ran some errands the other day and a lady at Ralph's (grocery store) gave me a balloon for Maddie. She LOVES balloons and couldn't take her eyes off of this one. The second photo is dark but if you click on it you can see the admiration in her face. Gosh, I love this kid!!!
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