A few days after tooth #1 poked through, #2 started to surface so now she has both bottom teeth. She slept pretty well last night (only up twice) so hopefully her teething pain isn't so bad anymore.. I wonder if it hurts just as they're breaking through, then not as much?
I have so many cute pictures of her lately!
She's trying new foods.. so far bananas and sweet potato along with her rice cereal. I'm going to try making organic peas at home tomorrow, then next time, green beans. I can't wait until we get to sample Matt's garden!
She doesn't really eat very much yet and we stop when she gets fussy. She's so independent and wants to jam the spoon into her own mouth, despite gagging herself over and over again. I can't wait until we move onto soft finger foods that she can pick up on her own. (I guess that's when the food flinging really starts!)

We were up until after 11:00 at Crista's birthday party last weekend.. Maddie is quite the party animal!
Her newest trick! Wow she's flexible! Yum!
Her 6 month photo "Hey, Forget about it!"
Maddie and her handsome daddy!... How lucky am I?
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