I never thought she'd be able to wear this adorable bear outfit sent to us from Papa Dimino and Grandma Lena but it was super chilly out last night when we took Maddie for a walk. We couldn't resist snapping some photos of her. I only wish I was a better photographer and could capture how truly cute she was because these photos don't do her justice.
Mom looked cute in this one! :)
Doesn't she look like she's wearing lipstick? It's PRUNE lip gloss! lol Poor Maddie girl was a little "backed up" and I had the great idea of giving her prunes. (Ignore the messy bib that was from our earlier eating adventures) FYI: The prunes finally worked... thanks Daddy for the diaper change! Maddie timed it perfectly so you were on diaper duty when it happened. :)
Here are her "official" 7 month photos taken yesterday morning. It's getting tougher, as she gets older, to contain her to the chair. She's such a wiggle-butt!
Despite the fact that June Gloom is here (for those in the Midwest that's what they call CA weather in May/June.. it's cloudy and chilly many days during June.) We've been doing great! Maddie is doing really well with her sleeping (great I just jinxed myself!!). Her naps have been a little sporadic but each night she sleeps in her crib and only wakes up once to eat. She's actually slept the entire night two times so far! Lately bed time has been 7:00. It makes things a little hectic in the evening because she's pretty cranky from 5-7 but I can't complain if she sleeps until 3 or 4 am before getting up.
She's eating like a champ. We're still nursing (yay!) but we're also having fun exploring solids. I've been feeding her a little something in the mid-morning, like pieces of banana or fruit and then at around 3:30 she has rice cereal and a veggie (and/or fruit). She eats about a tablespoon of the cereal and same for whatever she's having with it. So far no allergic reactions to anything. We've tried, sweet potato, peas and pears (not a fan of either), peaches, green beans (loves these!). There's something else but I can't think of it. Oh, Squash.. she likes that one too.
We've been going for lots of walks.. here she is laughing at something I was doing. I'm so glad I had my camera with me.
I joined a local MOMs International Club group. All the ladies seem really nice and it's great to have something to do during the day. We meet to go walking and at different parks in the area for play dates. Obviously the kids aren't playing together yet but they will be soon enough so we're scoping out the best parks in Camarillo.
I put Maddie into a baby swing to see what she'd do.. basically she just hung there while I took a photo. I could have fit two of her in there!
Maddie and I are famous!
I really love my Baby K'tan wrap and use it to carry her on walks or into stores because it's so easy and she loves it. I wrote a testimonial to the company and they put us on their testimonial page. Click Here to see it. (We're on page one about 11 listings down, look for the pink wrap.)
I get stopped by moms all the time asking me what it is and how to use it. The company sent me cards and brochures to hand out. I just keep a few in my diaper bag. (As if it wasn't heavy enough!) They added a trackable code "ANGDIM" for anyone that wants 10% off their online order.
And last but most important, Maddie crawled! Ok, I think it's crawling, at least a great start. She isn't motoring around the room just yet but this is the first time she got her arms working with her feet. The original video is much longer but I condensed it to just her actually doing it.
Fun at the park I can't stand how cute she has been lately... seriously it's like she's a new kid when she sleeps well. We had a great sleeping week of 6 hours, awake to nurse, then another 4 hours (it was like you could set your watch to it) but the last few days we haven't been as lucky. I think it has allot to do with how well she naps during the day. BUT I'll take what I can get.
Here she is giggling because I was blowing in her face.
The video is pretty dark but the audio is great!
Here she is with her BFF Isabella. I really hope these two grow up to
be close friends because we have these great photos from birth on...
I swear we didn't stage this.. they grabbed each other's hands!
What a great day we had! Matt made french toast to start our day off right. (yummy)
I got a really sweet card and a book by Dr. Laura she recently published congratulating stay at home moms. I was hoping that's what Matt got me (so good job daddy!). Listening to her talk show really showed the two of us how important it was to figure out a way to make one of us staying home a reality.
We planned on a day at the Ventura Pier. The weather was pretty overcast but not too chilly. We got to the beach and set up our spot with a large towel and our new umbrella, purchased to keep the little one out of the sun. It was too cold to head into the water but fun for us to look at anyhow. Matt and I have always talked about walking out on the pier so this was a nice "family day" to accomplish that goal.
After a few hours at the beach, we headed home for a grilled steak dinner and a beer toast to me being such a great mom! woohoo! (After the baby was tucked into bed of course)
I'm feeling so much more confident in my parenting skills these days. Matt is such a wonderful support and I appreciate everything he does so that I can stay home with our little Maddie-pants.
We were lucky enough to be invited to a Dodger game by Matt's sister (Alyx and her wife Pam). Maddie's very first Dodger game! She's had an outfit in her closet, waiting for just such an occasion. We knew the seats were in the shade and it was a really nice day out. We all had a blast as the Dodgers killed the SF Giants 8-0. Maddie even managed a little shut-eye during all the action around the 7th inning.
Backwards that is! :) How frustrating when you want to go forward but your body takes you the wrong way. Our little cheeky-monkey is on her way to crawling.. oh boy! She gets on all fours and revs her body back and forth but so far she's stuck in reverse. She's rolling like a maniac though so she certainly gets around.
A few days after tooth #1 poked through, #2 started to surface so now she has both bottom teeth. She slept pretty well last night (only up twice) so hopefully her teething pain isn't so bad anymore.. I wonder if it hurts just as they're breaking through, then not as much?
I have so many cute pictures of her lately!
She's trying new foods.. so far bananas and sweet potato along with her rice cereal. I'm going to try making organic peas at home tomorrow, then next time, green beans. I can't wait until we get to sample Matt's garden!
She doesn't really eat very much yet and we stop when she gets fussy. She's so independent and wants to jam the spoon into her own mouth, despite gagging herself over and over again. I can't wait until we move onto soft finger foods that she can pick up on her own. (I guess that's when the food flinging really starts!)
We were up until after 11:00 at Crista's birthday party last weekend.. Maddie is quite the party animal!