Monday, January 5, 2009

Brand New Year- 2009

We're looking forward to the next few months and just taking the time to watch our baby girl grow. Neither of us wants to miss a minute. For that reason I gave my two weeks notice at work today. Its sad to leave a place I've been for the past 7 years but I officially begin my role as Stay At Home Mom and wear my new badge proudly. I'm so glad for the opportunity to stay here with her and can't even imagine having to leave her so soon.
I really couldn't do it without Matt and his love and support. He truly is the best husband and daddy anyone could ask for. Love you Matt!

We decided to take a photo of Maddie each month as a visual record of her growth.. kinda like my baby bump photos. We chose her glider chair and her new teddy bear as the constants so you have a comparison.

Here's month 2, notice the teddy is still a bit bigger than she is. 

Here's how we eat dinner.. either one at time or when the baby is sleeping. Unfortunately she cries whenever we put her down to sleep. Seriously.. I've tried all types of things and would love for her to sleep on her own but we realize she won't be so little forever. For play time she's good for about 10 minutes in the swing or her bouncy chair but then starts to fuss and if you don't pick her up she cries and it takes quite awhile to calm her down again. 
They say you can't spoil a newborn so we're going to not worry about it for another month or so and just enjoy our time together. At least she sleeps well even if it is on one of us.

Bath time... sometimes she hates it.. but lately she's been enjoying it. We're sure to cover her with a towel so she isn't cold and that seems to help. I also nurse her a little before and after and that seems to make her content. Although she does make bubbles in the water.. so far no surprises in the tub!

We have her two month check up on Thursday so we'll be able to check her weight. She still has her chubby cheeks and the thunder thighs so I'm not worried about her weight gain but I'm curious to see how she's doing. We moved up to size 1 diapers and most of her newborn clothes are too little. She's wearing 0-3 months right now. 

Take Care!


For Kicks and Giggles said...

Well we better chat online then because I am gonna miss you here at work- good for you, you and your family deserve this. Trust me, I know how hard it is to leave your babies. Happy New Year Ang! Stay in touch- Heather

Ruthie said...

OMG! I just caught up on your blog and saw that you gave notice. I'm so jealous! Good for you. Maddie is adorable. I'm so glad you guys are doing so well. I think of you often. Much love! Ruthie