Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat!!

Baby Dimino waited an extra week before making her appearance at (almost) 41 weeks of age. Maddie entered into our lives on October 31st, 2008 at 10:09PM weighing in at 7lbs 2oz, 20 inches long. She's absolutely perfect and has already captured all of our hearts!

Much love to everyone who has sent their congratulations and kind wishes as we settle together at home as our new family. As first time parents were getting through all the "firsts" that come along with our new responsibilities and enjoying every minute of it!

Sorry I haven't been able to return everyone's calls or even get an update on our blog since her arrival but our main focus has been on breastfeeding and of course, sleeping every spare moment that we can. We appreciate everyone's understanding.


cheryl said...

She is absolutely beautiful--- Congratulations!!! Maybe after you get settled in as first time parents, Jayme & I will come visit! Miss ya!

Ruthie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I knew she would come on Halloween. That's so great. She's beautiful and I'm so happy for all 3 of you. Enjoy every second!

For Kicks and Giggles said...

Congrads and welcome to parenthood--she is priceless. Enjoy every second as a mommy...and those nap times :)

Audrey said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations and enjoy all of the happiness (and trials) that the firsts bring. Love you and miss you much!

Mary Anne Whiteley said...

What a cutie! Congrats you guys! Let me know if you need anything...

Mary Anne