About two weeks after returning from our wedding in Cabo, Matt was on the couch and felt a terrible pain in his chest. He's not overweight, doesn't smoke, and is in generally good health. He chalked it up to gas and was going to see what happened. A few days later it happened again just after breakfast, not wanting to take any chances we were off the ER. His EKG came back fine but was told to look into it further.
He needed a referral to a cardiologist and had to find a primary care doc first..(HMO) Fast forward a few months and a few tests later, had an angioplasty done on May 6th. That's right, my 35 year old husband with a new wife, and baby on the way... We knew we were in good hands after meeting with Dr. Khamaj Dave, the Cardiologist performing the procedure but were still concerned about the what if's and the unknowns.
Matt's main artery on the front of his heart was almost completely blocked (I saw the photos).. a night nurse later told Matt that artery is called the "widow maker"... He's home and doing fine today but please, no matter your spouse's age, if they aren't feeling well, encourage them to look into any chest pains further. You're the only one that knows your body. Nobody ever thought someone as young as 35 would have a clogged artery.. usually that takes years to build up. His cholesterol and blood pressure results were all within normal. Matt could have easily brushed this off and I'm so thankful he had a final nuclear stress test that showed a blockage.. otherwise I hate to think about what may have happened to our family.
This week Matt is back at work and the large bruises near his groin and on his arm are fading.. I look at him while he sleeps and can't help but tear up and think about what might have happened. Matt's my family and I (we) need him.
A huge "thank you" to all our friends and family who showed nothing but great support for both of us while we went through this. We appreciate the dinners, cards, and phone calls with all your concern and well wishes.
We love you all!
Matt after 7 hours of not being able to move his right leg..He was finally able to get out of bed

1 comment:
Wow, you guys. I'm so happy that you were proactive about figuring it out. You have to take these matters into your own hands because doctors have so many patients that if you don't stay on top of them, they'll forget you. So great news! You'll be in tip top form to deal with that beautiful bundle, Matt! Not to mention your fabulous pregnant wifey. :) Good times.
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