Can you believe we're 16 weeks into this already (actually 16 weeks and 4 days but who's counting!)?
We go in for the big ultrasound on June 5th. As long as the baby cooperates, when we leave, we'll know if we having a girl bean or a boy bean. I can hardly wait to find out!
Our # 1 question (after "how are you feeling") has to be if we've picked a name for the baby yet.
Our standard answer is yes.. Angelo Guido Dimino. Don't you love how it rhymes? hee hee If it's a girl, we're thinking Angela Jr. but I'm not sure about a middle name yet.
Actually I don't think we're going to share possible names with anyone in advance. When the baby is born we'll be sure to make an announcement.
We're doing this to 1. protect the sensitive pregnant person's feelings and 2. because we won't even be discussing until after June 5th.
Everyone has special feelings towards one name or another.. those feelings aren't always positive and rather than subject ourselves to complaints or questioning about our choice.. we're going to wait until the little darling is here. No way will you be able to look at him/her and tell them their name is stupid or that you had a crappy ex in high school by that name. :)
My feelings towards having a girl are starting to change.. having a little Angelo might not be so bad!