The date was changed by one day (even though I know when I ovulated) so based on measurements, our due date is now October 27, 2008.. but they say only 5% of babies are born on their actual due day so it's more of a "due week" that we're working with. The Dr also informed us of two things.. we can't have the baby on a Friday evening or when the USC Trojans are playing in town. I thought he was joking at first, but no joke. lol His son plays football on fridays and he goes to every game. His wife is a HUGE Trojans fan and when they're in town, they go. I checked the schedule and we cannot go into labor on Saturday Nov 1st (It's their homecoming game!) or the night of the 31st between 4-9pm... If baby bean sticks to those rules we'll be just fine!
The baby's heart sounded very strong. We made an appointment to see a Perinatologist (fancy word for a specialist) to have our first trimester screening done on April 18th. That doctor will perform another ultrasound and conduct blood tests to check for Down Syndrome. However, our doctor was able to locate a nasal bone that would likely be missing and said everything looked good, but we'll need to see the specialist to confirm. About 80% to 90% of babies with Down Syndrome can be detected using this screening test.
Funny story that happened this morning. We went in to talk to an insurance agent about life insurance. We had met with this gentleman a week or so ago to give him information. When we arrived he showed us the numbers and I noticed he spelled our name incorrectly, Dimon. Not a big deal.. happens all the time.. Heck, the priest announced us as Mr. and Mrs. Dim-in-O
Anyhow he continues to talk and says "... when baby Demon comes out.." I lost it. I couldn't stop laughing. Through my tears I asked Matt how he knew our child was a demon. I said "it's a baby bean, not a demon seed!" This poor guy was sooo embarrassed and probably thought for sure he blew the sale. It still makes me giggle to think about it. We told the doctor the story before the ultrasound so as he ushered us into the correct room, he says to Matt "let's go see Lucifer".. too funny!
I didn't realize this but the Dr. has 3-D capabilities on his ultrasound machine. Baby Bean was giving us his/her back but he was able to get a profile shot.

BABY DIMINO (alien maybe, but no wings or tail as of yet)
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