Today our Horizon Hills Class had a field trip... a ride on the Fillmore Train over to a fish hatchery.. I've never seen one before and I must say it's pretty cool! It was a great opportunity to hang with Sarah and her daughter Isabella.. I swear we didn't coordinate their outfits.
Here are some highlght photos:
On the way there.. can you believe Isabella was moving when I shot this. Couldn't have been more perfect timing!

The fishies LOVED their fish food!

I have a million shots from this angle! :)

This is the proper fish-feeding stance... in case you were wondering. Bend at the knees and release!

Isabella and Maddie with their teacher, Mrs. Kandy

They had cranes and some other ducks on the other side of a fence/cage that surrounded the area. It smelled a bit like fish there so they must have been in heaven.. or not.. they were after all, on the wrong side of the fence!

Maddie showing us her "cheese"

Maddie was practicing taking photos of Bella

Isabella and mommy looking at photos of our trip... on the train ride back

Miss Bella practicing her poses.. she's a natural cutie!

We had the girls sit on the tracks for some fun photos

No cute girls were harmed during the taking of these photos (no, that is NOT a speeding train headed our way)

Lunch afterwards at Margaret's Cocina. The girls loved the beans, rice, and of course the chips!
Fun day for us... lucky too.. all the other trips this week have been postponed because of the rainy weather. We had beautiful blue skies!