Welcome 2010!!!......Happy New Year everyone. Matt and I spent the first day of 2010 recovering from our first party since Maddie was born. We had over just a few close friends and family members to play some POKER.. woohoo! Maddie enjoyed everyone's attention before going to bed and she didn't wake up once. (thank you baby-girl!) Forgot to mention we made everyone play in the garage, but it was fun and there's NO WAY we could have played just down the hall from her room. Alcohol + Music + Poker = one noisy crowd.
She was a complete angel today and even gave us the best gift by sleeping until 6:30 am (that's very late in our house) and took two lengthy naps.. although by the second nap time we were both feeling much better. :) I forgot what "partying" was like and oh boy, what seems like a awesomely-great idea at 1:00 am, not so great at 6:30 am. We were troopers though and stayed up to ring in the New Year, and then some. Our normal in bed time has been getting earlier and earlier since the clocks changed in fall, and often find ourselves in bed or asleep at 9:00.
Anyhow, we had a great time and were so glad to ring in the new year with such great friends.
Maddie on New Year's Eve Day

The happy couples... like the garage decor?

We took it to the streets to toot our horns at Midnight

Matt makes THEE best faces! No wonder Maddie thinks he's such a funny daddy.

We've enjoyed having Daddy at home with us. Tuesday despite working in the morning, he surprised us with an offer to go out to lunch. It doesn't happen often so we dropped our big plans for PB&J and said "for sure!". We went to our favorite burger place, Texas Cattle Company. Great choice for kids. They have lots of decorations year-round and a choo-choo train that runs along the ceiling kept her occupied while we waited for our food. Oh, and the burgers are Yummy!
Maddie checked out their sweet potato fries and some of mommy's burger

Maddie is a restaurant's dream. The only thing on the floor when we left was this straw and a half of a sweet potato fry. Not bad for 14 months.

He was able to take off a bit of time on Wednesday so we took advantage of the drizzly day to do an indoor activity and checked out The Clubhouse Fun Zone in Ventura. I've been trying to go with a mommy friend for a few weeks, but our nap schedules kept conflicting. Maddie was very excited to see all the fun activities. She's a bit too young for the enclosed slides/climbing area and her germophobica mama wasn't going to let her into the icky ball pit anyhow. She rode on all kinds of toys, pushed them around and played in the kid's houses. She was bossing around a few boys that tried to come into "her" house and even hijacked someone else's car but in all, she did really well. She even managed to eat lunch when we first arrived. Talk about torture for a kid but she must have been hungry.
She liked the different activity tables including this choo-choo track. She kept picking up random cars or pieces and carry them around to different activities.

Mama bird outside Maddie's house.

Random Photo from Tonight's Dinner:
Does this pea make me look like Marilyn Monroe?

It's always a little sad when the holidays are over and the UPS guy isn't visiting like he use to. But alas, back to our schedule on Monday. :) What's next, Valentine's Day?